5 Major Media Outlets Call for Free Assange: “Publishing Is Not a Crime”

Did you catch the news? The New York Times and four other major international outlets (LeMonde, El Pais, Der Spiegel, and The Guardian) released an open letter denouncing the U.S. government’s case against Julian Assange.
This is a big deal, and has generated loads of mainstream press coverage. Pulitzer Prize winner Charlie Savage’s piece in The New York Times kicked things off.
Since then, just about every other major outlet has covered the story!
We will be updating our tracker with more information on this story and relevant clips as the week progresses.

Now is the time to act!
We need your help to amplify this important development and make some noise that President Biden and Attorney General Garland will have no choice but to hear.

Check out what The Nation’s John Nichols is saying: we need a united front to fight the threat these charges pose to press freedom.

That’s where you come in. Will you write a letter to the editor amplifying this big news and calling on all media outlets to stand up for press freedom?

Experts, advocates, and organizers have been hard at work raising awareness about Julian’s case. You can reach out to them and get involved at our Take Action page.

Even if you don’t have the time to get involved in your community or write a letter to the editor, it’s always helpful to spread the word on Facebook & Twitter.

There’s more in the works, so stay tuned.

The Assange Defense Committee
www.assangedefense.org – info@assangedefense.org – team@assangedefense.org

“Mi arriva dalla dottoressa Paola Manduca: il testo dice che quattro [sono 5, c'è pure il NYT - n.d.Jure] delle maggiori testate giornalistiche Le Monde, El Pais, Der Spiegel e The Guardian hanno pubblicato una lettera aperta denunciando il governo degli Stati Uniti per “il caso Assange”.
“Il caso Assange” è la richiesta di messa in accusa di Julian Assange per aver pubblicato notizie dette riservate in cui si leggevano progetti militari di intervento illegale in altri Paesi. Progetti, inoltre, che non potevano esser presi senza che i cittadini e le istituzioni ne fossero messe a conoscenza.
Il Governo degli Stati Uniti intende condannare Assange ad una pena detentiva di 175 anni. La Gran Bretagna nel frattempo ha messo Assange in galera (carcere duro) in attesa di estradarlo negli Stati Uniti.
Il reato di Assange è di aver fatto il giornalista
Una professione in Italia sconoscita ai più.
E da quei pochi che la conoscono, una professione tradita.
(fatte salve le mosche bianche)”

Giorgio Stern

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