Per una pompata di gas…. NATO dalla Dalmazia al Caucaso: meeting in Georgia

Ante scriptum e spiegazione del documento inglese sottostante

4 luglio 2013: Incontro NATO e 14 Nazioni del Sud Est Europa (?!?…) in … Georgia.
Naturalmente, “per assicurare Pace, Stabilità e Sicurezza alla Regione”.
Una ‘Regione’ che va da Plitvice (Bosnia, 150 Km da Trieste) al Caucaso (confine russo).
Orwell non l’avrebbe scritto meglio.
I nostri giornali hanno preferito non scriverlo proprio.
P.S. La Bosnia non è ancora nella Nato, eppur l’incontro si è tenuto e Alfano c’era.
I russi non sono ‘andati a casa’ dei georgiani perché cercavano la libertà nella NATO, ma perché su incarico della NATO hanno tentato di occupare zone caucasiche non georgiane (Abkhazia, Ossetia) per intralciare gli oleodotti russi che attraverso il Nord Caucaso portano petrolio e gas in Europa, per far fruttare i corridoi
meridionali turchi (Nabucco), via Serbia Bosnia e Dalmazia. Potrei aver sbagliato qualche sfumatura andando a memoria, ma il succo è questo.

Jure –

Notizia correlata:
High-ranking military officials from 14 South-East European countries have already arrived
in Batumi to attend the Ministerial.

A quadrilateral meeting between DCHODs of Georgia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina
was conducted within the South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial DCHODs´ annual
meeting in Batumi Hotel “Sheratoni” (Georgia).

A bilateral meeting is scheduled between Levan Dolidze and Gioacchino Alfano –
Undersecretary of State for Defence of Italy.

Italy provides chairmanship for the SEDM Deputy Chiefs of Defence

The South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial was established in October 3, 1997 during
the meeting of regional ministers in Sofia under the initiative of the United States.
This format serves to promoting [the] Euro-Atlantic integration of the participant nations.
The involvement of Georgia in the SEDM as an observer nation is crucial in terms of its
Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

The purpose of the Ministerial is consolidation of cooperation between the countries of the
region and facilitation of their NATO integration on solidarity and democratic values like
development of good neighborly relations and cooperation as well as providing decisions
acceptable to everyone.

“Although we are an observer nation of the initiative, we are active and keen to be engaged
in different cooperation formats that definitely contribute to overcome the challenges we are
all facing today and to ensure peace, security and stability in our region and far beyond,”
outlined Colonel Dzneladze, while addressing the foreign guests.

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